What is Resistance?
Resistance is coming for you. Every. Single. day.

Resistance is a force of self-sabotage that arises in response to any attempt to make a positive change in the world. Its only aim is to prevent you and me, and all of us, from doing good work.
This notion of Resistance, this particular use of the word, was codified by Steven Pressfield in his 2002 book, The War of Art.
I was very lucky. That book came out the same year I started my first theatre company, when I was really setting out on the adventure of becoming a professional artist. And I turned to it for help countless times on that journey. It described a phenomenon that I knew intimately, even if I could not name it. Something that I experienced daily as a creative, artistic person.
So you could do a lot worse than to stop this recording right here, head out to your local book store, and grab a copy. In fact, grab three copies, because after you’ve read it you’ll find yourself giving it away to everyone you know.
Pressfield starts like this...
“There is a secret that real writers know that wannabe writers do not, and the secret is this: It’s not the writing part that’s hard. What’s hard is sitting down to write. What keeps us from sitting down… that’s Resistance.”
And I’ve been studying Resistance, up close and personal, since I first read those words about 20 years ago.
What he’s talking about here is a force of nature. A great villain. An enemy within ourselves that does great evil in the world.
I said earlier that I want to see you come alive. Resistance wants to stop you.
Okay. Here's a list (which I've amended a bit) that Pressfield calls “Resistance’s Greatest Hits.”
You will feel Resistance in the pursuit of:
- any artistic or creative calling
- the launch of any entrepreneurial effort
- any regimen of diet, health, better habits, or fewer vices
- Any activity whose aim is tighter abdominals.
- education of all kinds
- any act of courage, especially in the face of adversity
- any commitment of the heart
- any undertaking designed for helping others
- any program that prizes long term growth over short term gratification
And the grander your ambitions – the more force – the more opposition – that Resistance musters to fight you.
Resistance cannot be seen, touched, heard, or smelled. But it can be felt.
At this point, I’m wondering - do you recognize what I’m describing? Have you witnessed it in your own life? Have you felt Resistance pushing back at you? Keep listening reading and see how much of this you’ve experienced.
Resistance will do anything necessary to keep you from doing your work. It will lie, cheat, or steal. It will sweet talk you. It will bargain with you, abuse you, or seduce you. It will find your greatest weakness and attack you emotionally and intellectually with no mercy. It has no conscience.
It is an unstoppable force who only knows how to attack. It's like that shark from Jaws. Or the Terminator. In fact – if we’re going that direction – it reminds me of Sauron from The Lord of the Rings. That big red eye, always watching, always waiting. It never sleeps, never takes a break, never goes on vacation. Resistance is coming for you. Every. Single. day.
Resistance is universal. Anyone and everyone who tries to do good in the world experiences Resistance. Anyone who tries to make good in their life, will have to fight Resistance.
Resistance does not respect you, no matter who you are. It does not give a shit what you’ve accomplished in your life or what you want to do now. It operates with the indifference of the rain.
Resistance is playing for keeps. I need you to understand this. Please. Resistance is not aiming to wound you. Resistance is not trying to knock you down for a day or two. Resistance shoots to kill and its target is the very epicenter of your being. Your genius, your soul, that unique and priceless gift that that no one else has and you were put on this Earth to give. That dream that you've been dreaming of… Resistance wants to tear it down. Resistance wants to knock it over, bury it, and destroy it so thoroughly that you’ll never dream again.

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