I believe in you.
I believe that you can make change that matters, in your life and in the world.
I believe that you can be ready for this challenge, and the next one, too.
I believe in your potential, and I'm ready to help.

You wouldn't climb a mountain without a guide.
And you’d never expect an elite athlete to compete without a coach.
You've got important work to do. Wouldn't it be great to have someone on your side who asks the big questions, shares their best tips, and supports you all the way?
That's what coaching is all about. It will help you in these ways and more...

What is coaching like?
In one-on-one coaching sessions we engage in a creative, collaborative conversation about your agenda. I ask questions. You answer candidly. Together we’ll wrangle your challenges. My coaching style is friendly, encouraging, and pragmatic. My practice is anti-racist and inclusive – everyone is welcome here.
Coaching is solution-focused. It's about “What’s next?” It’s a process of inquiry and curiosity, in which we seek the most effective actions. You will finish each session with a plan.
Coaching is about YOU. I ask, I listen, but you do the heavy lifting. I’ll offer ideas from time to time, but it’s mostly YOU becoming more like YOU want to be. We will be partners in pursuing your success, as YOU define it.
Coaching works. Like statistics? In a global client study (source) the International Coach Federation (ICF) found that:

If the numbers don't move you, pay attention to this: I have a coach. I love having a coach. Doing hard things gets easier when I work with my coach. Really, who doesn't need a coach?
Get yourself a coach.

Achievement Skills
In our coaching sessions, we'll focus on the essential skills that will help you do your most meaningful work.
You'll step up, overcome your obstacles, and commit to action.
Instead of solving just one problem, you will learn a reliable system of accomplishment.
Coach Matt's
List of Achievement Skills

What is Positive Psychology?
My coaching methods are based on the principles of Positive Psychology. Positive Psychology is a relatively new field of science which studies “human flourishing.” Positive Psychology researchers have accumulated a huge body of knowledge about achieving well-being and life satisfaction.
It’s like a unified theory of happiness, or a new, more effective operating system for getting the most out of life.
It’s called Positive Psychology because we focus on increasing positive emotions and working with the negative ones.
And let’s be clear. Psychology Positive is not the science of saying everything's all good all the time. It’s not the study of sunshine and rainbows. (At least, not exclusively.)
It's the science of getting better. It’s about permission to be human, to experience a full range of emotions without getting stuck. So that you can show up in the world the way you want to be.
I’ve made it my business to find the best tools for doing the best work, and Positive Psychology provides an incredible framework for applying those skills.