Ready for the Quest
NOTES // Chapter Six, part 2
00:43 // "Imperfection is a natural part of existing..."
This is Rowan Winterwood (lighting designer, director, aerialist, Available Light company member) reading from Tara Brach's book Radical Acceptance.
(And Tara's lesson here is based on the work of the renowned Zen master Seng-tsan.)
Tara Brach is a wonderful meditation teacher, author, and psychologist. She has a wide variety of meditations and talks available for free at her website (below.) Her podcast is a wonderful resource.

I especially like that Tara has a great sense of humor and she always brings it into the work. She's not afraid to punctuate a compelling and serious talk with a corny joke. Bravo!
5:05 // "Today we have a special guest..."
Acacia Duncan, my beautiful and wise wife, is our special guest today. She is the Director of Coaching & Training for Articulation, Inc. where she helps people communicate and connect with power, precision, and authenticity.
This conversation was not scripted. This is what really happened.
13:35 // "Here I'm going to take the time to stand at the crossroads..."
Here are some thing to try when you're standing at the crossroads, trying to decide which way to go.
First, here's that fear-setting exercise again. This is a great way to dig deep when you're standing at the crossroads.

I'd also suggest answering these questions:
- What hurtful things does your fixed mindset say to you?
- What have you tried before? What has worked?
- more to come...
Don't leave the crossroads until you feel more certain.
22:25 // "Are you sure you can do it?"
That's Lonelle Yoder – who you'll recognize as the voice of Resistance (in this audiobook, not in real life) – now taking on the role of "Joey on the Judger Path" AKA your fixed mindset.
Playing opposite Lonelle is Jordan Fehr, who's bringing life to the voice of your Growth Mindset.
23:26 // "These are borrowed from Karen Reivich..."
The University of Pennsylvania's College of Liberal and Professional Studies offers a free, online Coursera course, "Positive Psychology: Resilience Skills," taught by Dr. Karen Reivich.

The course will incorporate resilience interventions for personal and professional life. Students will be exposed to protective factors such as mental agility and optimism. Several types of resilience interventions are explored, including: cognitive strategies; strategies to manage anxiety and increase positive emotions such as gratitude; and a critical relationship enhancement skill.
Dr. Reivich is, with Andrew Shatte, Ph.D., the author of The Resilience Factor.
23:33 // "The three phrases are..."
Here, again, are those three phrases for talking back to your fixed mindset (and any other negative self-talk you're encountering.)
- That's not true because...
- Another way of looking at it is...
- A more likely outcome is...
And don't forget to dispute your judger with plenty of evidence!
28:57 // "There will be a period when your old thoughts..."
That's Kim Garrison Hopcraft reading from Dr. Dweck's book Mindset.
32:52 // "You'll need to revisit that journey..."
To review, here are the Five Steps of Taking Your Growth Mindset on a Journey...
- Notice and Name Your Fixed Mindset
- Stand at the Crossroads (AKA Resolve Your Ambivalence)
- Educate Your Fixed Mindset
- Do Growth Mindset Things
- Take in the Good (and Repeat)
33:19 // "We are trying to rebuild belief..."
There's Eleni Papaleonardos again, quoting Kalle Lasn's Culture Jam.