How to Listen to Ready for the Quest

You've got plenty of options when it comes to listening to audio that you purchased from Bandcamp. It's one of the reasons I chose this service for seeling my audio-only book. You could visit the Bandcamp website in your web browser or use the Bandcamp app on the device of your choice. You could also choose to download the files, which enables you to upload them to a different service or app (e.g. Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon) to listen however and wherever you want.
The Bandcamp website requires no installation, but the Bandcamp app is a more user-friendly option. If you already know what your favorite audio app is, then you probably want to download the files. I've got instructions below to get you started.
Also, at the bottom, I've included a walkthrough for using Overcast, which is my app-of-choice method for litening to Ready for the Quest.
- Go to the Bandcamp website.
- Us the link in the top right to login.
- Once you're logged in, click the heart ❤️ in the top right corner to go to your Bandcamp collection.
- Find Ready for the Quest among the selections listed below. (If this is your first purchase on Bandcamp, the audiobook is probably the only thing listed.)
- If you hover your cursor over the Ready for the Quest art, a big, triangular "play" button will appear – click on that to play the audiobook. Or, click on the title (below the art) to go to the audiobook's webpage, and play from there.
- Note that when you hover over the album art you'll also see the words "Why do you love this album?" appear below the art. You can click that and leave a short review. Please do!
- When you visit the audiobook's Bandcamp page, you'll have two options. 1) Click the big play button near the top. 2) Scroll down and you'll see that each chapter has its own, individual play button. Use those to start wherever you want.
- Enjoy!
- Download the Bandcamp app to your device.
- Here's the iOS App Store link.
- Here's the Google Play link.
- Login to your account.
- Click the heart ❤️ at the bottom of the screen to go to your collection.
- Look for the audiobook and tap on the image.
- Scroll down and tap on the track you want to play.
- Note: If you look just below the big, triangular "play" button, you'll see that it says "Download Album." Tap that to download the audiobook to your device so you can listen to it when you're not connected to the internet.
- Go to the Bandcamp website.
- Us the link in the top right to login.
- Once you're logged in, click the heart ❤️ in the top right corner to go to your Bandcamp collection.
- Find Ready for the Quest among the selections listed below. (If this is your first purchase on Bandcamp, the audiobook is probably the only thing listed.)
- Look below the album art for the word "download." Click it.
- You'll be taken to a new webpage.
- You'll see the words "choose format" next to a drop-down menu. Click the arrow and choose your format. (Unless you already know that you have a preference, just use the default, MP3 320.)
- If you chose a different format, you might see the word "preparing" appear. Once the files have been prepared for you, it will change back to "download."
- Click the word download. A window will pop out. Choose where on your computer you'd like to save the files. Click "save."
- Now that you've got the files, you can upload them to Apple Music or Spotify or Amazon or some other service. You could even burn them to a disc if you want.
This is my favorite way to listen to the audiobook because the Overcast app can save your place across multiple chapters. Other podcast apps will also do this, but Overcast is my podcast catcher of choice. (To be clear – Ready for the Quest is not a podcast, but this method allows us to take advantage of Overcast's features.)
- Put Overcast on your device.
- Here is the App Store link.
- Right now it's only available for iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch.
- For this method, you will need a subscription. Open the app and use the gear icon (probably in the top left) to visit the settings and choose "Overcast Premuium."
- Once you've purchased your subscription, go back to "Overcast Premium" in the settings and make sure the "File Uploads" switch is turned on.
- On your computer, go to the Overcast website. Use the login link in the top menu to login.
- Then use, use the link in the top menu to go to "Uploads."
- Upload the Ready for the Quest files.
- Back in the Overcast app, in the list of podcasts, you'll see that Uploads is one of your options. Tap that (after giving it enough time to upload and process the files) and you'll find the chapters waiting for you.
- You might also want to use the Playlist feature to make a playlist that includes just the chapters from the audiobook. Then you'll always have them ready!